a significant collective project-in-progress, counteragency is meant to connect forward-thinking artists and designers with rising communities in kansas city, to work together toward progressive change and social justice.
initially approached by julia cole about the idea and need, i was a co-founding member with julia, alongside jean schmitt, jacob canyon, and hector casanova. i worked with jean and hector to develop a set of values [see “as an organization”] that would guide actions and policies for the group.
i worked alongside jacob canyon to develop a participatory and dynamic visual identity, reliant upon lettering and patterns from collective members that can be combined to illustrate the collaborative nature of the group.
initial lettering and pattern sketches from jacob canyon [left] and me.
combined lettering forms a dynamic range of logotype possibilities.
card concept [in progress]. all typography beyond the logotype is system fonts arial and courier to indicate equitable access. card details are meant to be filled in by hand by collective members.
card concept [in progress].