sarajevo 100 international poster exhibit
international invitational poster exhibition. one of 100 designers, invited by co-organizer cedomir kostovic. “influence,” 70 cm × 100 cm digital print.
exhbition locations
collegium artisticum, saravejo, bosnia [june 17-july 3, ’14]
marseilles, france [july 15–17, ’14]
moscow, russia [oct 7–13, ’14]
morelia, mexico [oct 29–nov 2, ’14]
brick city, springfield mo [oct 22–nov 14, ’14]
krakow, poland [may 25–june 20, ’15]
[international, invited]
rather than chronicle the historical turmoil of the renowned city, my poster is a personal take on sarejevo. titled “influence”, it is about how the lineage of design educators, from mladen kolobaric in sarajevo to cedomir kostovic in sarajevo, then springfield missouri, came to have an impact on me, now as an educator in kansas city and how i will continue that lineage. thanks, sarajevo!
exhibition catalog.
online article from the springfield news-leader, springfield mo