feb 25 class / by tyler galloway

a quick note about the start of class and our critique structure for monday:

i have an important meeting that i'm required to be in that will put me in class about 12:30. 

ashley, can you meet our guests (kelly ludwig and julie sikonski of DEG digital!) at the doors in the main hallway gallery (by the parking lot) at noon to let them in?

to allow for additional feedback time for each student, we will break into two groups at opposite ends of the studio. each student should have about 20 minutes total, so keep a timer.

group 1

group 2

as with recent meetings, start with the general question you are exploring and quickly get into the specific details of your current project or project phase. explain what you're trying to learn about through making. there should be more showing of what you've made than telling about what you plan to make. be prepared to ask questions of your guests and classmates to get the specific feedback you need. as a reminder, we are in week 5 of 11 for the major chunk of making for dp.

kelly and julie, we are not looking for major new ideas or re-directs at this point in the process, but how to...

- focus [any ideas to eliminate, areas to deepen? where should most time be spent?]

- improve [what is weak visually or strategically?]

- maximize [any way to gain efficiency, combine ideas, re-use or find content, ease the production process?]

...the current direction each student is investigating. 

i will be in class asap to join the discussions. thanks for your help and cooperation in getting things running smoothly at the start.