additional presentation info / by tyler galloway

final project presentations begin next class! this will form 25% of your final course grade:

50% - mid-term grade [including initial proposal presentation and process work]
20% – final presentation [using same evaluation criteria as guest critics will use on the form below]
10% – process [second half of term. includes outside advisor forms, desk crits, check-ins, etc]
20% – final artifacts [either turned in to me or as presented in senior show. exact due date tbd]

a few tips from a previous dept chair. some good things to ponder for friday/monday.

here is the input form the visiting critics will be using. i'll have them turn this in to me and give back to you a few days after your presentation. the criteria are all simplified language from the course objectives on the syllabus. 

to do, by end of class today: on the "presentation/order times" google spreadsheet, please add in a presentation title and one sentence description so i can share with visiting critics and potential underclassmen and faculty visitors. i've added those fields to the sheet.