in class
- study group [with juniors]: provide project background, summary of research do-date, and share interview questions. juniors are starting to discuss interviews with outside people, so the bulk of your discussion can be on the finer points of conducting an interview. what do you know about this? how does one prepare? how does one write the proper questions? structure vs going off script, setting the right tone, how to document, etc, etc.
- dp exhibit recap
- dp project questions
- discuss audience developments – kcmo group, vs nicole's group vs my parents
- so i had a slightly awkward phone conversation with my mother about possibly interviewing her and my dad for this project. she seems open to it but was going to check with my pops about whether he wanted to join the fun or not. i will know tonight [oct 23]. we may need to prepare for a group interview session of one person, either via phone or mail [yes, snail mail. their email is currently out].
- discuss how to move forward effectively.
new work for next class
- preparation of final interview questions, either for your individual person or for my mom.
- forward momentum. tbd.
- read "don't make me think" chapter 9