nov 6 class / by tyler galloway

announcement: denise gonzales crisp will be speaking twice this week and i strongly encourage you to attend both [well, friday will be required because you'll be in class]. thursday at 4pm she'll be speaking about emigre magazine and that whole macintosh-experimental-design-80s thing which is covered here [emigre issue 11] with contemporary commentary about said issue here. read through before attending thursday's talk. 

in class

  • will hall lecture at noon
  • study groups with juniors
  • review krug chapter 11


new work for next class

  • read krug chapter 12
  • read this great article, mentioned below, about "humanity-centered design" as opposed to human-centered design. it asks some great questions and offers three useful concepts for us to ponder in our work as designers.
  • round two of refinements/prototype/testing: add detail to your wireframes [medium-fidelity] while still keeping them largely structural, about content areas and decision-making/navigation, which will dictate the user experience. prepare for more user testing which will need to be done before next monday. 
  • build strong momentum in your work. make lots of stuff. have energy! be excited! it's a privilege to get to do this stuff. 
  • make in proportion to your team size. examples: steven, nicole, and jarkece's project should be 3x the depth and impressiveness of caylie, erin, and daisy's individual projects. and sarah and justin's should be 2x as impressive.