in class
dept meeting for a bit.
extra credit reminders: aiga portfolio review, national student show
group reflection on project 1 – what did you learn? attention to detail on deliverables and follow-through.
review aiga reading.
review initial samples of personal identity materials from feb 6 homework.
small group crits, then desk crits and work time
review mood boards
review writing revisions on cover letter, resume
get started on creating design elements – color and type options/selections and begin visual design.
new work for next class
many many design iterations of quick test applications [see the design brief for required artifacts]. work out at least five different directions – not slight variations, but distinct approaches – that all relate back to your attributes and mood board in some way. they could emphasize various attributes, for example, as a way to push into different directions. how can you push type, color, and composition to the extremes of each attribute to achieve a wide range of formal solutions?