the learning summary presentation schedule is below. forgive me if i've oversimplified your topic or got it wrong altogether. feel free to email me with any necessary corrections.
monday sept 12
tori green - type history
alexis lorenz - type history
baillie wiebers - letterform anatomy
alli sevareid - type from the past working in a modern context
devon wolfe - type transcending language
z lisenbee - kerning in context and larger spacing issues
wednesday sept 14
alex cutler - type and illustration
anthony bennett - mograph
parker seydel - hand lettering
kelsey mack - typeface design
bré bullock - typography and lettering difference
isabelle brown - type and image integration
monday sept 19
quentin laurent - type for disabled folks
brooke cirone - type and color
sydney sanders - type and branding
bailey hughes - mixing typefaces
abby crawford - perception of fonts
cassandra wegenka - letterpress and material meaning
jasmine zehner -
keep in mind the contextual issues of presentation that we discussed. consider audience size, scale of the work, the ability for everyone to lay eyes on it clearly and easily, ability to hold/touch if necessary
each student will have eight minutes total; two minutes to explain the work and what you've learned, six minutes for peer feedback.
the presentation goal is to demonstrate what you've learned so far. the goal of the commentary is to analyze how well the work visually communicates and demonstrates that learning.
a few words on critique
the goal of critique is to make the work better -- pretty simple. comments, both positive and negative, are to be about the work with that goal in mind. "that typeface doesn't look right" or "this looks unfinished" does not help to improve the work. explaining why you feel it doesn't look right is much more helpful [provide rationale] and providing positive support to encourage a peer to invest more time in refining the work is much more likely to be well-received. that said, dancing around issues is not helpful either. we need to be honest with each other about the quality of what we are doing. facing reality is difficult but is the only way to move forward constructively. we are here to improve the quality of our work to the highest possible point, and to help others do the same. we are not here to prove how much we can nitpick and undercut one another. let's have awesomely thoughtful, honest, clear discussions about the work and make it better as quickly as possible. yay!