user testing prep / by tyler galloway

from my keynote

1. identify goals

2. prep prototypes

3. identify subjects

4. plan and test for specific scenarios

5. prep questions beforehand

6. ask subjects to perform the task[s]

7. document your results

8. modify and repeat

from class discussion

Locate the proper audience. Make the right connections.

Make understandable prototypes. Presentable. 

Be specific about the types of feedback you want, which will produce specific answers. 

Identify the part of the project for which you want input. 

Write out specific questions and/or balance with open-ended questions

  • Word carefully

  • Aim for objectivity, don’t ask leading questions

  • Avoid yes/no questions

    Determine documentation method

  • Video

  • Audio

  • Take notes

  • photography

Edit / make a “deliverable” research document