modes of persuasion // 5 / by tyler galloway

in class
work time and desk crits.

new work for next class
finalize 'zine ideas and print two copies for crit, which is next class.

email me your pdf before march 15 class, set in readers spreads (the way it looks when the viewer flips through it, not how it needs to be printed out for assembly, which is called "printers spreads"). make sure you have the proper file name as designated in the “deliverables” section on the project 2 sheet.

blog post due by friday march 15 before class: professional-quality photos of your final work – cover and at least three spreads. these can either be context shots (keep background clutter fairly minimal) or seamless shots in the analog studio, nicely lit. this is to help you prepare more work for potential internships and generally be on top of project documentation.

in a separate blog post, pick one mode of persuasion and write a brief statement about how that mode can be used in both a positive and negative way by graphic designers.