modes of persuasion

modes of persuasion // 3 by tyler galloway

in class
group review of your "pathos" ideas. discuss 'zine / booklet content development, concepts, and deadline. this is a super-fast project, so what needs to be done to keep you moving and iterating? 

lecture over information graphics.

begin "logos" ideas. 

new work for next class
read: edward tufte's "fundamental principles of analytical design"

prepare: gather a large set of signifiers [individual words and images operating at the level of “word”], scissors and/or xacto knife, cutting mat, glue stick and/or rubber cement and/or tape. we will be making lightning-round zines during next class.

make: continue "logos" development.
before randomly searching around, think about what statistics would make a compelling case for your issue. what would you want to know? what things could be compared to create context or insight? [examples: salary disparity in u.s. vs england, gun deaths vs car crash deaths].
do your best to make the information visual, not just fancy typography. show the data. but first you have to find data to show. remember to share your source for credibility. 
bring as many examples of logos as you can to next class. 

resource: a lot of interesting work on interactive information graphics in "the 100 best infographics [interactive]" from siege media. the above screenshot is from "every active satellite orbiting earth" from that article. 

resource: this article, "the most misleading charts of 2015, fixed" from quartz, is a great read and great lesson in accurate representation of data. 

modes of persuasion // 2 by tyler galloway

in class
discuss lecture and collected examples from your blogs.

quick review over idea generation techniques for brainstorming.

small group brainstorming to generate "pathos" ideas. refer to your class notes for rules on brainstorming. 

define: ethos, pathos, logos in your own words. use additional sources beyond the video lecture. post to your blog. 

continue "pathos" development aspect of your zine / booklet project. 

modes of persuasion // 1 by tyler galloway

homework for next class

read the new project brief

watch the lecture below. beware of the stilted monolog at the start. it does get [slightly] better. 

an overview of aristotle's modes of persuasion and how they can be used visually to appeal to audiences emotionally, logically, and to establish credibility of the author. information for the sophomore-level "applied communication theory" course in the graphic design department at the kansas city art institute. designed and delivered by tyler galloway.

collect and post to your blog a few examples from each category – ethos, pathos, logos. be sure to label them correctly so i know that you know what you're talking about. bonus points if your examples are about your social issue. extra bonus points if they are not from the internets [but how would i know?]. 

this is a short timeline – due march 2 – so you will have to produce lots of new work for each and every class. be ready to discuss this topic and get started generating ideas for next class.