in class
populous field trip
arrive at the building at 8:50
be in the lobby at 9:00 – suite 300
4800 Main St #300
Kansas City, MO 64112
park in the garage on 48th street (the entrance is next to the yoga studio). then walk back out to the street and enter the building at the doors with the populous banners above the door. walk to the elevator and take it to level 3.
after the tour, we will meet back at class to cover any info about junior reviews, your studio report, and your reflection paper. we will do course evals either during this time or on wednesday the 24th after studio reports.
new work for next class
studio reports due at noon. 5 minutes max in length. here is the original brief.
an idea to keep you sane:
1. take one hour to research agencies, studios, in-house, collectives, or whatever design situation you think would be a “dream job”. do quick skims to learn the basics.
2. take one hour to research more deeply and put together a presentation. give us the basic “who, what, where, when, why” but more importantly, tell us why this place is great. is it the location, the size, the type of projects, the space, something else?
final deliverable
— pdf with presenter notes of your studio report. filename: lastname_firstname-pp-studioReport.pdf
— pdf, jpg, mp4, or other appropriate file formats if your studio report takes a different form.