bring any and all evidence of your work for this 15 minute discussion — process and final products you authored or played an obvious role in authoring. group work makes it hard to determine individual grades so this is your opportunity to describe your various conributions, tangible and intangible. be prepared to identify strengths, weaknesses, and personal areas you hope to focus on for the back stretch of the term. this brief review will inform my final decision about the mid-term grade, which will be emailed to you as a pdf once all reviews are wrapped up.
monday oct 17
12:15 jarkece huffin
12:30 steven mcdonald
12:45 chris chavez
1:00 david tillema
1:15 steven aranda
1:30 nicole stone
1:45 daisy escamilla
wednesday oct 19
12:15 y pham
12:30 caylie hausman
12:45 ashley castillo
1:00 sarah dean
1:15 debbie dixon
1:30 emma petitjean
1:45 erin konomos