"next steps" logotype: given that this discussion series is called "next steps" and the creators are literally developing and shaping it as we go [it is a living process], it seems appropriate that the design process reflect that. so, the question: how can a visual identity be evolutionary, iterative, and accurately reflective of an ever-evolving public dialogue?
EDIT: looking to decide on a single direction on wednesday that has potential to evolve, shift, or develop into a narrative in some way. the speed of this process is quite unorthodox, but we will make something smart of it. trust our collective gut and then build on it.
due: wednesday oct 6
spatial design of the event: develop a floor plan [to scale] of how everyone will be seated. guiding principles: casual conversation, welcoming, everyone on the same level. plan for three primary "speakers" and around 30 guests, although we have no idea how many people will show up.
EDIT: from jim, "We have room for around 70 to 80 in the main gallery, and we can add space in the side gallery if necessary. We discussed some seating layout ideas last week that should accommodate our 'unknown' quantity of guests."
email michael schonhoff to see if plan drawings are available: mschonhoff@kcai.edu
be sure to draw all chairs and other elements to scale.
due: oct 10. upload pdf to basecamp. i will email a link to jim and amy.
typesetting of "debate vs dialogue" comparison from "animating democracy" organization.
EDIT: try for a pocket version. how big is a pocket? be sure to precisely credit the source of this info.
document can now be found on basecamp.
due: near-final draft due oct 10. upload pdf to basecamp. i will email a link to jim and amy.
terms list: a pdf of basic terms to be uploaded to a google drive for participants to download. content to come from jim, hopefully soon.
due: TBD
live typographic mind-mapping: a kind of visual note-taking during the event. can be done with a projector in illustrator. meant to capture big ideas and the relationships between them.
due: at event oct 15
graphic landscape: typo/graphic representation of the "landscape" of the topic, with positions of the participants within it. this is a bit murky. looking to jim + amy for help here.
due: at event oct 15